Issue 13: Spring


Carol Hunter


Opalescent dew drop,
moonstone, the colour of soft, the shade of dawn;
call and feather of dove,
tombstone old
hair of crone
a nun's habit
a young rabbit.
Gauzy jewel, a woodland pool.
Young grey, old grey.
Soft grey, cold grey


Joyous hearing blackbird,
whole world, effort -singing, singing stopping, hearing
dropping, standing here,
centre, earth, dropping down - away, broad, wide, open space.
Sound in silence, still in movement.
Walking through the air, caressing fronds,
shading woods;
rubbing, croaking, fluttering,
crickets, bats - pigeons whirring, wheeling in vast spinning daylight.
Night bright, moondark EARTH


Sun hot morning summer moving into dizzying air,
buzzing droning, breezing light
dancing, growing, wafting perfume breeze,
airy joyous light, light;
beauty, glory, gold glad,
moving, tending, soil, earth, roots, seeds.
Tilling, pulling, growing - more, more
profusion, pushing, pouring forth.
Joyful work of growing, growing,
Down, low - stop.
Lie still open
spheres and music - silence - music
all here, complete - now -now


I am a church - vast, monolithic
ancient, solid, rooted.
Stood in earth - reaching skyward
housing joyful hearts, repentant kneelers, shame and sorrow.
Vicars, sinners;
built by sweat and muscle
heaved from earth
raised by hope, devotion and the lives of ancestors,
human and creature.
Immovable, glorious, generous body
forgiving of worn out truths,
accepting, embracing,
the centre of light passing in and out and through.
Older, dustier - cobwebs in rafters, damp in my paint,
leaking and creaking.

Hymns still echo
bells still ring
incense burns.


She sat uncomfortably in her chair uncertain of what to do.
She sat uncomfortably in her chair uncertain of what to do.
What comes next?
What came before?
She sat uncomfortably in her chair, uncertain of what to do.
To move to the left or the right
or to stay put;
here, not there. She sat uncomfortably in her chair uncertain of what to do, that is...
that was,
not now, not then, not how not ever.
Not she sat uncomfortably in her chair uncertain of what (?)

Shin Ryu Setsu

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