Issue 13: Spring


Rebecca Habergham

Still Statue Seated Gazing Ocean

How long have you been there you beautiful woman?
How many eyes have gazed upon yours and felt the longing you hold in your eyes.
Green coated now - coated with the turning movements and memories of storms and still of old and new and always.
Soaking and drenched and drenched deeper still in the salt of the ocean and the moans and cries of those unheard by the human ear.

There you sit and watch and wait to witness the roar and moan, weep and wail of tears cried.
Oceans of unheard tears ebbing and flowing from the tides to the moon and containing everything in between.
Please tell me sweet still woman please let me feel that all those tears within and around that I was unable to be still with and honour were heard by you?
Heard by you even amongst the deafening cries of wars roaring, death falling sobbing cries, to be held by another?

Still woman whose eyes look nowhere but see everything.
You are always there- though your body is mottled by age and time, storms and seas.
May the eyes that gaze on you receive your gift.

Still Statue Seated Gazing Ocean.

Inspired by a beautiful spanish sea staring statue.

Rebecca Habergham

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